AquaShell Documentation

Project maintained by aquashell-scripting Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Feature overview:


The script language is a command-based language. This makes the syntax be as follows:

(cmd_ident) (expression2) (expression3) (expression n...);

Now ‘cmd_ident’ is the identifier of a specific command. ‘expression2’ - ‘expression n’ are considered arguments to a specific command. Each command must be ended with a semicolon (“;”). In order to allow complex scripts it is neccessary to summarize/collect expressions with collector characters. These are quotation marks (“”) and brackets (“()” and “{}”). This allows you to format your command call as follows:

myCommandIdent "argument1" (argument2a, arguments3a, ...) { complex argument ("test1", "test2");};

Each command or empty line can be noted with a ‘#(comment)’ to comment your scripts. When writing your scripts you should pay attention to a good coding-style which offers the reader to have a better glance at your scripts. Some commands require an argument expression and a code expression. Altough not neccessarly required you should put argument expressions in () brackets and code expressions in {} brackets (note: it depends on the command provider whether argument or code expressions are required. Most of the times you will just encounter parameterized commands). See the example below:

#The following function implementation works, but is bad style
function myFunction void "arg1 string, arg2 string" "print %arg1%arg2;";

You can see that you couldn’t include spacing between the argument accessor code. A better example would be:

function myFunction void(arg1 string, arg2 string)
	print "%arg1 %arg2"; #This is a comment

As you can see some commands may require arguments provided as an array list, separated by a commas, in a single expression.


1) Using comments Comments are indicated by a #-character. Everything what follows a comment is ignored by the parser.

2) Declaring global and local variables

Declare a global variable

global name type;

There are the following system types available:

You can also initially declare a variable when setting a value. The context is then automatically determined:

function testfunc void()
	set context_local string <= "I am a local variable";

set context_global string <= "I am a global variable";

3) Assigning values to variables

global name1 int;
set name1 <= 100;
local name2 string;
set name2 <= "This is a test";

4) Creating functions

function myFunction type(arguments)
	# function implementation here
	result 0;

Functions can either return a value or not. Also providing arguments is optional. The function arguments can handle the same types as shown in the variables section. If a function shall not return a value then the returntype shall be set as ‘void’.

function myVoidFunction void()

function myFloatFunction float()
	result 0.1;

function myComplexFunction int(arg1 string, arg2 float, arg3 bool)
	result 0;

The functions are called as follows:

call myVoidFunction();
call myFloatFunction() => myFloatVar;
call myComplexFunction("test1", 0.1, true) => myIntVar;

You can also use local variables in functions:

function myMoreComplexFunction float(arg1 float)
	local temp float;
	set temp <= %arg1;
	*= temp %arg1;
	result %temp;

5) Defining classes Sometimes tasks should be bound to objects. dnyScript provides a basic class structure functionality.

class ClassName {
	method myTestMethod void()
	member myMember float;

You can define methods and variables similar to the global scope. Instead of using the keyword ‘function’ you use ‘method’. And for member variables you use the keyword ‘member’. Member variables are automatically allocated upon class instantiation and freed after the class instance gets removed from memory. You can also define a constructor and a destructor.

class MyTestClass {
	method construct void()
		print "Constructor called";
	method destruct void()
		print "Destructor called";

To access methods or members inside the class context you can use %this. When accessing the class instance from outside you must prefix the class instance identifier with an @ character except when accessing member variables.

global classInstance class;
set @classInstance <= MyTestClass;
call @classInstance.SomeMethod() => void;
set someVariable <= "%classInstance.MyVariable";
unset @classInstance;

6) Commands The script user can implement own script commands which can retrieve arguments and also return a value. #A void command:

myCommand "stringarg"

#A value-returning command:

global myStorageVar type;
myRetValCommand "stringarg" myStorageVar;

For void-commands you need to implement the IVoidCommandInterface class and for value-returning commands you need to implement the IResultCommandInterface<type> class. Note that both type of commands can return a boolean value to indicate errors. These errors are handled solely by the script engine and you should only indicate errors if the script execution is considered uncontinueable. If you want to return values which do not affect further script execution and which shall be handled by the script code then you should stick to the result-command interface. It supports all dny-data types.

Internal command reference:

const constname consttype <= value; #Registers a constant with the given name, type and value\
global varname vartype; #Registers a global variable with the associated type\
set varname <= value; #Assigns a value to a global/local variable\
unset varname; #Removes a global variable\
function name rettype(paramters) {code} #Defines a function\
local varname vartype; #Registers a local function variable inside a function with the associated type\
result value; #Sets the result value of the associated function\
call funcname(arguments) => resultvar; #Calls a function with paramters (if required) and stores the result (if required)\
if (cond1, operation, cond2) {code} elseif (cond1, operation, cond2) {code} else {code}; #Performs an if-elseif-else evaluation. Elseif's and else's are optional. 'operation' can either be -eq(equal), -nt(not equal), -ls(less than), -lse(less than or equal), -gr(greater than) and -gre(greater than or equal).\
for (varname, startvalue, endvalue, step, opt:param) {code}; #Performs a for-loop with positive or negative values (use -inc for 1 and -dec for -1 or a step value. Param can be -eq if the loop var shall be inclusive to the loop end value, default behaviour is non-inclusive)
while (cond1, operation, cond2) {code} #Performs a while-loop. 'operation' can either be -eq(equal), -nt(not equal), -ls(less than), -lse(less than or equal), -gr(greater than) and -gre(greater than or equal).\
class name { code }; #Define a class structure
method name rettype(parameters) { code }; #Implement a class method 
member name vartype; #Define a class member variable
execute scriptfile; #Executes a script file relative to the base directory\
print text; #Prints text to the standard output if set by script user\
exit; #Aborts script execution\
++ var; #Increments a variable\
-- var; #Decrements a variable\
+= var value; #Adds the value to the variable\
-= var value; #Subtracts the value from the variable\
*= var value; #Multiplicates the value to the variable\
/= var value; #Divides the value from the variable\
+ var value1 value2; #Stores the sum to the variable\
- var value1 value2; #Stores the difference to the variable\
* var value1 value2; #Stores the product to the variable\
/ var value1 value2; #Stores the quotient to the variable\
! boolvar; #Reverses the boolean value of the variable


System requirements:

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